
Athletic Association

Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, and Golf are all available through the parish Athetic Association throughout the school year. Information regarding registration is sent home through school and parish avenues. Click here to visit the Athetic Association webpage.


Parent-led boy scouts and girl scouts is open and available beginning at the kindergarten levels.

Mission Carnival

Student Council

Our student council is made up of 5th-8th grade students. They are highly involved in service and bringing life to our student life.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Spelling Bee

Our 5th-8th grade students get to show off their spelling skills at our school's spelling bee.  Our winner then has the opportunity to advance to additional rounds in the state and possibly the national level.

Running Club

If you love to run or walk, the Running Club is calling your name. The Running Club is offered in the spring to our 5th-8th grade students. These students then participate in the the Ferguson 5K and Fun Run in May.

School Musical

Through our partnership with STAGES ST. LOUIS, students are given the opportunity to participate in this extracurricular after-school activity. The students work together learning songs and scripts and creating the backdrops and props. This begins in early fall and leads to our final production in November.

Robotics Program

Our students in 6th-8th grade are given the opportunity to participate in an after-school robotics program. The program is provided with the help of a grant, the Clavius Project. Our students meet 1-2 days a week preparing for the end-of-the year Robotics Jamboree that takes place at SLU High School. Our own BTC faculty help moderate the program along with student ambassadors from our local high schools.

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