Assist the pastor with the Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal.
Blessed Teresa parish is a member of Congregations United for Community Action (CUCA), which is a faith-based community action group working on social justice issues in the North County area.
Volunteer leaders who organize and implement the Girl Scout program at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School.
Extraordinary Ministers bring Communion to the sick and shut-ins who cannot attend Mass due to being hospitalized, in a nursing home or homebound.
A fraternal Catholic men's organization committed to charity and unity within the Catholic Church.
An African-American Catholic Fraternal organization that renders service to God and the Church by aiding and assisting the sick and disabled and promoting a social and intellectual association among their Catholic members
Parishioners plant flowers and care for the plants and shrubs of the parish property.
Volunteers evaluate and plan major repair or capital projects in collaboration with the maintenance and parish staff.
Count the Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation collections and prepare collection for deposit.
An opportunity for individuals 55 or older to volunteer at our Archdiocesan grade schools. If interested, contact our parish school office at 314 522 3888,
Parishioners are linked by telephone, e mail or other electronic media to pray daily at home for the needs of others. Parishioners with prayer requests should contact the Parish Office at 314 524 0500.
A ministry especially designed for parishioners who are unable to participate in the more physical aspects of parish life, but are able and willing to actively contribute in a most important manner...PRAYER. Each month our Pastor addresses a note to these individuals along with PRAYER INTENTIONS that they are to hold in prayer for the coming month.
Members promote the sacred dignity of life at all stages through prayer, education and financial support.
The quilting group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings to craft beautiful quilts that are raffled each month to raise funds for the needs of the parish.
A program for the homeless sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence that utilizes parish sites as night shelters. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta hosts participants on two nights each month providing transportation to and from the day site, lodging and evening/morning meals. Parishioners can serve in a variety of ways. BTC hosts Room at the Inn on the fourth Sunday and Monday of each month. Click here to volunteer.
Parishioners provide a luncheon in the Parish Hall for families and friends after a funeral. Volunteers provide side dishes and serve the meal.