Parish Organizations

As a member of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish, you have many opportunities to offer your Time and Talents by participating in the various organizations, social and service groups.

ACA Volunteers

is a group of individuals who assist with the Annual Catholic Appeal fundraising drive through the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Gerry Bucher -           
Joe Schroeder -

Liturgy Committee

This group consists of parishioners and Director of Parish Choirs, leaders of the Lectors/Extraordinary Ministers/ Greeters/Ushers and Deacons to discuss in the liturgical planning of our parish. The Liturgy Committee meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
Contact: Deacon Al Love -314.524.0500 ext 354 or

Athletic Association

Parishioners and volunteeers organize teams and coach children of our parish while maintaining facilities where our children play their various sporting events. The Athletic Association meets the third Wednesday of the month in the Parish Center at 7:30p.m. and welcomes ALL to assist this ministry for the children of the community.
Contact: LaMika Covington   

Bridge & Game Clubs

New Paragraph

Maintenance Committee

a group of individuals who support the maintenance men in the maintaining of parish/school campus. 


Parish Office - 314.524.0500


Parishioners join with other community members in social justice issues pending in the North County area.

Contact: Carolyn Randazzo - 314.522.3870 or

Donuts & Healthy Hospitality

Is offered the first weekend of each month. Coffee, juice, donuts & pastries are offered after 8:15am Sunday morning Mass. This is a great way to socialize with your fellow parishioners while enjoying a light snack. ALL are welcome


Marilyn Geiger - 314.524.5939 or 

Dorothy Frese -

Men's Club

Men of the parish meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month @ 7:00p.m. for a social time with a snacks and beverages. This is a great way to connect with other men in the parish. The BTC Men's Club sponsors charitable, patriotic and civic activities throughout the year. ALL are invited and encouraged to attend!


Ted Heidemann -

John Knowles -

Environment Committee

Individuals of the parish work with the liturgical colors in the beautification of our worship site through flowers and fabric design. 


Mrs. Laurie Steinmann -

314.837.2790 or


An opportunity for individuals 55 or older to volunteer at BTC School 

Contact: BTC School - 314.522.3888

Parish Council

Contact: Eileen Weiskopf -

Finance Committee

Contact: Patrick Wall -


A group of women meeting weekly creating hand crafted quilts. Quilts are used prizes at Parish/School fundraisers. 


Jane Petre - 314.522.6465

St. Vincent De Paul Society

This group assists the needy in our parish boundaries with food and utility assistance through special food drivesand regular donations of money and food along with other items needed. They meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month @ 7pm and work our Tuesday and Friday food pantries. 

Contact: Mike Cunningham

Knights of Columbus

(De Andreis Council #800)

Is a fraternal Catholic men's organization committed to charity and unity within the Catholic Church. The Knights of Columbus met the third Thursday of the Month at 7:00 p.m. 
Contact: Mr. Mike Saxe - 314.524.7918 or 

Knights of Peter Claver

This is an African American Catholic Fraternal organization who aid and assist the sick and, disabled by promoting a social and intellectual association among their Catholic members. The Knights of Peter Claver meet on the first Monday of the Month at 6:00p.m. 

Contact: Parish Office - 314.524.0500 

Ladies of Teresa

Ladies of the parish meet on the 4th Monday of the month @ 7:00 p.m. and provide for the group social, education and spiritual opportunities. All ladies of the parish are invited to join the Ladies of Teresa. 


Mrs. Lizzie Lonero - 314.922.1559

Youth Group

High school teenagers meet each Sunday at 7pm and EDGE for Middle School teens every  Monday 6:30pm to share faith, prayer, discussion and fun. Our Youth Group participates in civic and parish activities throughout the year. 

Contact: Mr. Jeff Finnegan - 314.524.0500 ext 352 or

Teresa's Helpers

Women of the parish provide a luncheon in the Parish Hall for families and friends after a funeral.


Parish Office - 314.524.0500 

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