Computer/Technology - Ms. Carlton


Students in grades PreK-8 have Computer class once a week. Students in grades 3rd-5th also have one Keyboarding class a week.

Students will learn about the parts of the computer, how to be responsible online, Digital Citizenship, Google Apps for Education, Computer Science and much more! We also utilize items from our shared Technology Library which include VR Goggles, Ozobots, Code and Go Mice, Little Bits, Makey Makeys, 3D Printers and much more! These items allow our students to learn about circuits,  coding and creating!

Check out some of the websites below that students visit throughout the year.

K-2 Educational Resources

Welcome To Technology!

My name is Ms. Kim Carlton, and I am the Computer Teacher/Technology Coordinator. I have taught at BTC for many years. BTC is a great place to be!

3-5 Educational Resources

6th-8th Educational Resources

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